Art & Craft Tutorials, Guides & Advice

How to set up your art space for mixed media and art journaling

My top 5 tips for organizing your art space and having a great setup. Watch the short video below or read the transcript underneath.

Tip 1. A Tidy Start

Clutter kills creativity. OK maybe not, but a clutter of art supplies when I start makes me feel overwhelmed with too many choices. A clean desk means I can start with a sense of calm and go from there.

Tip 2. Workspace Aplenty

I’m sure lots of you can relate to having only a small space to work in. It’s important to have more surface than just what you need for your journal or substrate. That way you can have the materials you’re working with around you. Set up a foldable table if possible.

Tip 3. Get Organized

Everything should have its own place. It will help you find this quickly and also makes tidying up much easier.

Tip 4. Quick Access

When it’s hidden away, I don’t use it and forget I have it. All my favourite art supplies are within arms reach and visible. That way I can quickly grab what I need without having to get up. It really helps me stay in the creative flow.

Tip 5. Get Rid Of It!

If you don’t use it, lose it! It clutters up your art space and makes you feel like you ‘should’ use it. If you don’t use or enjoy certain supplies, get rid of them (Freecycle, charity shop, arty friends) and make space for things you DO like.

By Iris

Hi I'm Iris! I'm a mixed media artist, teacher & vlogger from London, UK. I make raw, quirky and emotive art. Online I inspire & encourage people to make their own unique art and express themselves.

One reply on “How to set up your art space for mixed media and art journaling”

Dear Iris, hi! I really like your new post theme and I agree with all your 5 tips! However, I find myself unable to follow some of them, for example having all my supplies visible , as my art space is a small part in our living room. Thus, I have to keep most of my supplies into drawers and cabinets, to keep the room in a ‘tidy’ condition. What I have found helpful for this case is keeping the supplies categorized in their space and not jumbled, so as to find them easily. Also, keeping a good track of all the supplies that I have has helped me a lot. To this end, I have made lists of my stamps, stencils, dies, paint colors etc with their images which help me remember the things that I can use (this also helps when I want to make a new order of supplies). I still struggle a bit with the embellishments which are various small pieces and keep mixing up. If someone has an idea about them it would be great!

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