Art & Craft Tutorials, Guides & Advice

My Favourite Art Supplies – part 2

Ahhh it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for… I reveal more of my favourite art supplies! Keep reading to find out which art supplies I use on a daily basis. Don’t forget to check out part 1 over here.

Acrylic Ink

I love me some drippy drippy ink. These Liquitex ones are very nice and vibrant. I use them for drips, but also to add inky layers to my paintings. Inks to me are one of those really FUN supplies to have, even though I haven’t the faintest clue how you’re ‘supposed’ to use them, so I just do my own thing. How do you use your inks?

Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold

This paint colour is magical! In the tube it looks like a simple reddish brown, but when you apply it you realise how versatile it is. Especially when used in translucent layers or added to white, it really shows it’s magic. It just adds a warmth and pretties everything up, or grunges things up, depending on what you’re going for. It’s mega expensive but well worth the money.

Catalyst Wedges

Art teacher Pauline Agnew introduced me to these awesome tools. They are basically silicone wedges that you can use to apply or scrape paint. They have a different feel to palette knives and are really unique and versatile. They are simply one more tool in my toolbox to apply paint, create texture, make backgrounds and grungify (this is a word, I say so) my work.

Palette Knife

I spent years not understanding what palette knives were for (apart from taking paint out of paint tubs effectively), then I started working with them and wow, I’m in love! You can scrape and drag paint with them and they instantly give it a grungy and raw look. Scraping paint with a palette knife is one of my favourite things to do in my artwork and it fits in so well with the feelings I’m wishing to convey. I especially like this metal one, plastic ones are a good budget alternative, but a metal one does work more effectively.

Fluorescent Pencils

These chunky neon pencils are my favourites! I love adding details to my art journal pages with them. They really have that fluorescent look. They come in more colours, but these are the only ones I use

So tell me, which art supplies can’t you live without?

Art & Craft Tutorials, Guides & Advice

My Favourite Art Supplies – part 1

I love art supplies, I’m a real art supply addict! I often get questions about what supplies I use and love, so I thought it would be fun to create a couple of blog posts highlighting my favourite art supplies.


I love my brayer! I have a few different ones. The one pictured is a Speedball brayer which is nice and soft and is my favourite. I also use lino print brayers which are more firm (but cheaper!). I use brayers to apply paint to backgrounds. It’s an instant gratification texture tool and my work wouldn’t be the same without it.


When I first got my watercolours I went through a watercolour phase. Then I realised I could use them in mixed media. Now my favourite way of using watercolours is on top of layers of acrylic. I put together my own palette of Schmincke half pans and a couple of Daniel Smith (shown here is a 12 half pan palette with the colours I use most often)

Pencil Sharpener

I know this seems like the most pointless (harhardehar, see what I did there?) item, but I recently bought a new pencil sharpener and it’s the best thing since sliced bread (slice… get it.. get it?? *bows* I’ll be here all day). It made me realise how incredibly BLUNT my old one was and in addition this little Stabilo sharpener works slightly differently to regular pencil sharpeners. It can achieve a REALLY sharp point and also sharpens more akin to how pencils come when you buy them (the wood of the sharpened bit comes out shorter than with other sharpeners). So yes, I am a real art supply nerd!

Hand Carved Mini Stamps

I’m not a huge crafter, but I do love using crafts to support my art habits. These are some mini stamps (they measure about 2x2cm) that I carved myself. I wanted stamps with certain symbols that I use in my art a lot, and because they are personal symbols I obviously couldn’t buy them from a shop! I used Speedball Speedycarve which is much softer and easy to cut than traditional lino or erasers. This is essential to me as I suffer from RSI very easily.

Chalk Paint

I love matte paints both from a practical point of view as an art journaler (less chance of pages sticking together) and from an aesthetic point of view (pretty!). Paper Artsy make a great range of chalk paints. My favourite colour is Nougat, but I couldn’t get it at my local store, so I got Chalk instead and added a tiny bit of pink and ochre to achieve a warmer/offwhite colour. Whenever you see big areas of off-white in my art, you can bet it’s this chalk paint. I just wish it came in a big tub!

Colour Brush Pen

This is a funny one. I used a tester pen at the shop and got wonderful black lines. But ín the one I bought the ink doesn’t really flow properly. At first I thought about taking it back and getting a refund, but then I realised that the dry brush and grungy effect it created was perfect!

Tell me in the comments below what YOUR favourite art supplies are and how you use them?

And remember to check back soon for part 2!